第17章 共振前端實驗(3 / 4)

e and analyze the neural signal

def capture_signal(self, signal):

processed_signal = self.filter_noise(signal)

if processed_signal < self.amplification_threshold:

print(f\"Robot {self.id}: weak signal detected, bypassing amplification.\")

return processed_signal

return self.amplify_signal(processed_signal)

# Filter noise from the signal using basic thresholding

def filter_noise(self, signal):

noise_reduction_factor = np.random.uniform(0.95, 1.05) # Simulate noise filtering

filtered_signal = signal * noise_reduction_factor

print(f\"Robot {self.id}: Signal filtered to {filtered_signal}\")

return filtered_signal

# Amplify the signal if it's above a certain threshold

def amplify_signal(self, signal):

amplification_factor = np.random.uniform(1.5, 2.0) # Random amplification within range

amplified_signal = signal * amplification_factor

print(f\"Robot {self.id}: Amplified signal to {amplified_signal}\")

return amplified_signal

# check for cell damage and initiate repair if needed

def check_and_repair(self, signal):

if signal < 0:

self.repair_mode = true

print(f\"Robot {self.id}: damaged tissue detected, initiating repair.\")

return self.perform_repair(signal)

return signal

# perform cell repair process

def perform_repair(self, signal):

print(f\"Robot {self.id}: Repairing damaged cells...\")

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